Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Name Game

- I used the letter T to create a pattern (by copying, pasting, and flipping) on a red background. I then used the gradient tool to add shadow. After that I copied and blended the layer followed b posting the man into the pic.
-I used the letter T for most of the pic, the man is supposed to represent the T pattern.
-My name inspired me.
- I'm satisfied with it but I think there may be too much shadow. I like it though, maybe next time I won't use so much shadow.

Crazy Combo

Crazy Combo Assignment
-We were supposed to take images (normally of animals) and use them to create one creature.
-After finding a pretty cool background I used only images that came up in the google image search for music. With these images I created the creature above.
-The images I found in the search inspired me to create the creature. To start off I had no idea what it would look like.
-I'm satisfied with the work at this time, I like the artistic filter I think it fits the image well. Maybe next time I will do a different search.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Color Replacement

We were supposed to take images and restore color to only certain aspects.
I choose the main focuses of the images for the planets and person pictures. For the crowd picture I created a pattern using the color replacement tool.
Single colors or important aspects inspired me.
I am satisfied with the work and it was good practice with the color replacement tool.
There is nothing I would like to add at this time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Music Project

I used a psd picture then edited it to create this one.
After following the assigned instructions I used textures, copy and paste, burning, and tricks with the brush tool to create the customized final picture.
The background inspired me to do something 1969-1970s flower power related.
Im satisfied with the finished project due to the assignment giving me leeway for artistic style.